Halo Laser Treatment

Get That Halo Glow!


Halo is a High-End Skin Resurfacing Treatment: Over the years sun exposure and the wear and tear of everyday living may have resulted in the visible signs of aging such as sun spots, fine lines, and loss of your natural healthy glow. HALO® uses laser technology to eliminate years of damage. The laser triggers your body’s natural healing response revealing the luminous glow you had when you were younger. View the brochure HERE.



  • HALO is a complete skin revitalization laser treatment. You will see overall improvements in your skin, including a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduced pore size, improved skin reflectivity, and glow, and significant removal of the discoloration.

    Halo Treats Discoloration, Sun Damage, Visible Signs of Aging, Uneven Skin Tone, Enlarged Pores, Poor Texture, Fine Lines (Halo Hybrid), and Scar Revision (Halo Hybrid).

  • We allow you to sit with topical anesthetic for one hour before the treatment, and the laser treatment takes 15-20 minutes.

  • No matter the intensity of your treatment, you can expect a consistent healing experience, including redness and swelling similar to a sunburn sensation and tightness of the skin.

    A bronzing, sandpaper-like texture begins on days 2-3 as the MENDS (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) make their way to the skin's surface and fall off by days day 4-5 (depending on the depth and density of the treatment).

    The total recovery time is around 1 week.

  • Our Halo Treatments come with a custom medical-grade skincare regimen made just for you by Jenine Gesino PA-C.

    For the first 24 hours, you should keep your skin protected, according to Jenine Gesino PA-C instructions. After the first 24 hours, the treated skin will slough off as new healthy skin comes to the surface. You may experience social downtime for a few days but can resume normal daily activities as desired.

  • You will see initial results between two and five days after your Halo treatment, but your skin will continue to improve over time. Most patients see the most significant pigmentary improvement in the first two to three weeks. Your skin’s dermal regeneration phase continues to improve for months.

    Halo results will last for years, but you should keep your skin protected by using UV sunscreen to protect your new, healthy skin. Each additional Halo treatment you get will only improve the results, giving you even better-looking skin.